Trojka Blue

Trojka Blue

Trojka Vodka Liqueur Blue is the most refreshing Trojka liqueur. With its blue hue and mint flavour, it’s pure refreshment from the bottle or as a Swiss Glacier cocktail.

  • Alcohol volume: 20% Vol.
  • Description: Vodka liqueur
  • Origin: Switzerland
  • Ingredient: Water, Sugar, Vodka, Natural aromas, Coloring: Patent Blue V E131

Trojka Blue – the stunning Trojka freshness kick

Trojka Blue, the blue vodka liqueur that brings a touch of freshness to every drink with its ice-mint flavour, is made from Trojka Vodka. It’s produced in Switzerland at the Diwisa distillery in Willisau.

How to Mix

With its intense ice-mint flavour, Trojka Blue is the most refreshing of all the Trojkas. Mixed as an easy-mixer drink with lots of ice, 4 cl Trojka Blue and a mixing beverage (e.g. soda water), you’ll have a delicious, easy-to-prepare drink in a glass in a trice.

Prepared as a Swiss Glacier cocktail with a little lime juice and sparkling water (or soda water), Trojka Blue is the ideal refreshing drink.


Founded in 1994, Trojka, the Swiss vodka brand, now ranks amongst the biggest-selling spirits brands in Switzerland. Its manufacture has been completely climate-neutral since 2021 – one of the first spirits to be so. Mixed as a Trojka Mule, it’s the perfect companion for unforgettable party nights.


Trojka Green was one of the first Trojka products to be launched, and it’s an evergreen – like its colour – tasting of pomegranate, watermelon and a hint of lime. Ready for the green wave of refreshment?


Our red vodka liqueur boasts a stunning citrus flavour. You’ll love the fiery red easy mixer drink from the first sip! Its unique fresh Trojka Red note makes it the perfect mixer for any occasion. Mixed as a long drink or a cocktail, Trojka Red’s always a hit!


Trojka Vodka Liqueur Black is known as a black vodka liqueur with the sweet juicy taste of wild berries. A liqueur that can be combined in a variety of cocktails, such as Black Fizz or Black Apple (with apple spritzer).


Trojka Vodka Liqueur Pink, the pink vodka liqueur with a berry flavour, is an integral member of the Trojka family. This pink liqueur is perfect for simple drinks involving, for instance, tonic water.


Trojka Vodka Liqueur Orange impresses with its warm orange hue and its sweet taste of mango and oranges. Mix Trojka Orange with soda water for a light, refreshing cocktail and garnish with a slice of orange.


Trojka Vodka Liqueur Blue is the most refreshing Trojka liqueur. With its blue hue and mint flavour, it’s pure refreshment from the bottle or as a Swiss Glacier cocktail.


Trojka Vodka Liqueur Caramel is a golden vodka liqueur with a sweet caramel flavour. You can enjoy it cold as an easy-mixer drink or as a warm beverage with coffee.


Trojka Vodka Liqueur Flamingo is the trend-setting vodka liqueur with a fruity-fresh grapefruit taste. Mixed with bitter lemon, this grapefruit liqueur is ideal as a refreshing aperitif.


Trojka Greench, the vodka liqueur to be consumed hot, features Trojka Green with a hint of peppermint. With Trojka Greench, you’ll have a “fröschli” in next to no time.

Trojka Ice

The refreshing, carbonated vodka-based RTD mix with 4% ABV (alcohol by volume)

Trojka ICE is inspired by a classic vodka-lemon long drink, but can be consumed straight from the bottle and ideally ice-cold. But what does ready-to-drink actually mean? It means that your vodka lemon is ready for consumption straight from the bottle. Simply refrigerate, open and enjoy.