Trojka Blue
Trojka Blue
Trojka Vodka Liqueur Blue is the most refreshing Trojka liqueur. With its blue hue and mint flavour, it’s pure refreshment from the bottle or as a Swiss Glacier cocktail.
- Alcohol volume: 20% Vol.
- Description: Vodka liqueur
- Origin: Switzerland
- Ingredient: Water, Sugar, Vodka, Natural aromas, Coloring: Patent Blue V E131
Trojka Blue – the stunning Trojka freshness kick
Trojka Blue, the blue vodka liqueur that brings a touch of freshness to every drink with its ice-mint flavour, is made from Trojka Vodka. It’s produced in Switzerland at the Diwisa distillery in Willisau.
How to Mix
With its intense ice-mint flavour, Trojka Blue is the most refreshing of all the Trojkas. Mixed as an easy-mixer drink with lots of ice, 4 cl Trojka Blue and a mixing beverage (e.g. soda water), you’ll have a delicious, easy-to-prepare drink in a glass in a trice.
Prepared as a Swiss Glacier cocktail with a little lime juice and sparkling water (or soda water), Trojka Blue is the ideal refreshing drink.